
Blog and Resources

Now that tax time is over, here are three things you need to be doing to help your business… 1.
The Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers who can’t pay the full amount of federal taxes they owe that they should
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) increased depreciation limits for passenger vehicles (not SUVs). If the taxpayer doesn’t claim
Dollar Bill money
Compass Consulting reminds you that employers and other businesses have until Jan. 31, 2019 to file wage statements and independent contractor forms.
Qualified educators may deduct up to $250! What to know about the Educator Expense Tax Deduction The school year is
The “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act”, which offers a 20% deduction of Qualified Business Income to pass-through entities, has finalized
Effective January 14, 2020 Microsoft Windows 7 Support Ends. As time goes on, this will mean new security threats will
Small business owners may think doing their taxes is just another task to cross off their to-do list. However, speeding through taxes
The 1099-MISC form is used by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax return document for payments to non-employees such
Income Reporting Deadlines 2019 Since the “Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes” act in 2015, employers must file their copy of
Money from a traditional individual retirement account (IRA) can be donated to charity as non-taxable income. This is accomplished by